Finally, predict your product's true market potential
Unfortunately, the vast majority of companies launch their products based on old-fashioned methods such as focus groups, questionnaires, and sometimes gut feeling. We offer a new technology that, based on a few product images and a short description, can predict how marketable your product is. Our system is not only more cost effective, but also far more accurate as we use behavioral analysis rather than asking questions.
Learn more about our research methodGet an interest score for your product
A numerical ZentiScore™ defines how marketable your product is before you invest time and resources.
Compare to your competitors
See how your product's potential success compares to similar products so you can determine a market interest before you launch
Get answers from detailed behavioral data
Explore how your potential customers interact with your product presentation based on millions of data points.
Identify and capture new potential leads
Collect email addresses of the most interested customers, so you have a solid starting point if you decide to launch your product.